Sunday, November 14, 2010

G20 Finished, Obama Tells the World to Lower Their Expectations

Obama physically does not look too good these days.  He is getting beat up at home pretty bad at every opportunity by the conservative mainstream media and is now taking hits from the rest of the world over the Fed's decision to print unfathomable amounts of money.  The guy looks like he could use a hug and some rocky road ice cream.

The G20 finished yesterday.  He told the world to stop expecting so much from him.  He says he's trying, but not really getting any help from anyone these days.  Nothing was accomplished, but like always, it was a great photo op.

There also aren't any crazy viral videos from the 20,000 protesters in Seoul this weekend.  The G20 summit was a success for South Korea in that they controlled the more than 200 registered protest groups.  Here is some video of them not doing anything too crazy.



1 comment:

Breda said...

Jet lag is rough. He needs some 녹차.

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